Dogs, often acknowledged to be a man’s best friend, are one of the most widely loved animals in the world. As a matter of fact, nobody loves us as deeply and innocently as our furry companions. International Dog Day is a special celebration observed on August 26th in order to honour our affection for and appreciation for dogs and to honour their contributions to our lives and culture.
Let’s have a look at some interesting facts related to this celebration.
In 2004, Colleen Paige, a pet and family lifestyle expert, animal rescue advocate, dog trainer, and author, launched the day. He is also the creator of a number of other holidays, such as National Puppy Day, National Mutt Day, National Cat Day, etc., to promote adoption and raise awareness of the value of animals worldwide.
Colleen chose the date of August 26th was chosen because on this day his family received “Sheltie,” their first dog, from the neighbourhood animal shelter. Colleen was 10 years old at the time and Sheltie was undoubtedly his best friend during his adolescent days.
2022’s International Dog Day promotes the adoption of dogs rather than purchasing them from pet stores. The 26th of August, designated as International Dog Day, honours these amazing canines who give comfort to their loved ones and at the same time protect, and save lives. The day also raises awareness of the number of dogs who need to be saved each year from pure-breed rescuers and poor dog shelters.
We are all aware that dogs risk their lives on a daily basis. By spotting drugs and bombs, they defend our freedom and safety. They also rescue victims from horrible situations and carnage. Also, people maintain dogs in their homes and value the specific roles they play in our lives. In short, dogs are the best family friends and deserve lots of love and care.
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