Your special days are meant to be celebrated with joy. Be it your birthday, your housewarming party, your pet’s birthday or your parent’s anniversary, these days remind you of the love and warmth in your lives and make you realise you have surpassed another milestone in your life. Also, these are the days you get lots of attention, love and fervour from your loved ones and eventually, they become a day of grand celebrations!
However, celebrating with parties, food and booze has turned out to be so typical that it has even stopped providing true joy to you. As you grow up, you realise that the real source of happiness is in doing something for others.
If you have any upcoming special occasion and you are looking for some unique alternatives to celebrate it and do something good for society as well, then this blog is for you. Here are some wonderful ideas you can try on your special celebrations to make them more memorable and meaningful.
Every year, you have fun on your birthdays with dance, music and food. One thing you can do this year to add some flavour to your birthday party is inviting an upcoming artist. New artists keep looking for spaces to showcase their talent and generally struggle with finances. You can provide them with a platform to perform their art and at the same time, add new entertainment to your party.
Imagine a new singer/songwriter/musician entertaining you and your guests with his music. Or a tattoo artist making permanent/temporary tattoos for your guests. Or a caricature artist drawing on-the-spot illustrations of your loved ones. Isn’t it more fun and thoughtful?
Overpopulation and high competition have led to a crisis of work opportunities. As a result, many skilled workers are struggling to get jobs and chances to work. Now when you provide work opportunities, even as small as giving orders to a new cake vendor or letting a new fashion designer create your anniversary dress, you perform a noble act. You help these talents with a new task and let them add work to their portfolio.
Sharing is caring. But why limit your sharing just to your known ones?
If you want to do something thoughtful on your birthday or anniversary, try giving your old stuff such as your clothes, books, toys, games, etc. to the ones who need them more than you do.
Believe us, sharing joy with others will feel way more good buying new stuff for yourself.
Another wonderful way to make others happy is by visiting someone who doesn’t have many visitors. You can visit an orphanage or an old age home and celebrate your birthdays with kids or senior citizens.
Furthermore, you always receive gifts for your celebrations. This year try giving to others. You can combine points 1, 2 and 3 with this one and make lots of people happy. For instance, book a magician for your birthday party that you are going to celebrate with orphanage kids and spread an unlimited amount of joy.
Lastly, you can organise a food drive in your area.
For this too, you can book a team of cooks or labourers and provide jobs and food to the needy.
If you want to explore these unique ideas and want to contact skilled artists, talents or venues to celebrate your, parties visit www.pepshep.com.