This year, India will celebrate Eid ul Fitr on the 22nd of April. Eid al-Fitr or Meethi Eid is one of the most popular Muslim festivals and is celebrated for the closing of the holy month of Ramadan. For one month, Muslims observe the Roza (fast) from dawn till dark. On Eid, Muslims throughout the world exchange Eid Mubarak greetings after spotting the crescent moon.
Here are some greetings and messages that capture the joyous atmosphere and immense significance of this day that you can share with your loved ones.
Eid-ul-Fitr Wishes 2023
May Allah’s blessings abound in your life, opening all doors to success now and always. Happy Eid!
- Eid Mubarak! May Allah bless you with all good health, love and prosperity.
- May Allah bestow all of his blessings on you throughout the day and night. Happy Eid!
- Happy Eid! I pray that Allah provides you with a long and healthy life, wealth and never-ending joy.
- May Allah’s divine blessings fill your life with joy and touch every area of it. Good luck on Eid ul Fitr.
- On this joyous day of Eid-ul-Fitr, may Allah guide us continually and lead us down the path of righteousness. Eid Mubarak!
- Eid-ul-Fitr is a day of joy and enjoyment. It is a day to honour brotherhood above everything else. Eid Mubarak to you and your loved ones.
- May Allah continue to bless you and give you courage at each significant turning point in your life. Happy Eid to you and your loved ones.
- On the occasion of Eid, may Allah grant you and your family peace, harmony, pleasure, good health, and prosperity.
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